Hello there! Let me tell you a bit about myself.
I co-founded Matrushka in 2013: a digital experiences studio dedicated to nonprofits and organizations working with nature, human rights and culture.
When I started the company, I knew very little about web design and development, but after a while, I began to focus and love information architecture, taxonomies, discovery sessions, and everything that fell into UX or Content Strategy. I found myself fascinated by accessibility. I consider myself an advocate and an ever-learner.
One of my favorite parts of projects is talking to people. I've always been intrigued by how other brains think, what motivates people, and why they make certain choices. I got the chance to conduct workshops and trainings with people from all over the world. Their perspectives definitely enriched my own, and I'm grateful for that.
I was born and raised in Mexico to an interior designer and a lawyer. Sherlock Holmes developed my passion for observation and deduction, for finding patterns and solving problems from an early age.
When I'm not working, you'll find me taking photographs, making a collage, writing, reading a book at a coffee shop, or, if you are a really lucky person, underwater scuba diving. I enjoy planning trips with friends and family and exploring diverse destinations.